Day 2
We started our “school” day with ice cream themed size worksheets. I found this free size sorting cut and paste worksheet at My Teaching Station.
And this order by size worksheet is available for purchase in a summer package on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Our art project was an I is for Ice Cream craft featuring a large construction paper I, topped with scoops of ice cream. I cut everything in advance, Ellie glued and drew on
Day 1
We started off week 2 with her clue for the letter of the week. Ice cream! Ellie took her clue and used it as a blanket to cover an actual letter I. Super cute, right?!
Then we launched into watching some letter I videos (Sesame Street), and I showed her how to make the letter I in sign language. Then we did some letter worksheets.
I found this ice cream cone tracing worksheet and a capital and
Day 4
On day 4 we continued with our watermelon theme with a watermelon volcano! I bought a whole watermelon, cut it in half and scooped out the fruit. Then I gathered together: one half of the watermelon rind, some baking soda, some white vinegar, and about 5 drops of food coloring (pick whichever color you like best - I chose green). I used about 1 cup of baking soda and about 2 cups of
Day 2
We continued with our worm theme for day 2. We started off with some preschool educational worm videos on Youtube. Ellie loved this Smile and Learn video I found on worms. Then we had a counting sticker activity, where we had to read the number on each section of the worm, and count and apply that number of stickers. You can find this activity for free at .
This Feed the Worm letter
See these faces? These are the faces of two quitters. I quit my job. Ellie quit her daycare. We’re quitters. We love it.
So what are we doing? We’re doing “school.” As Ellie says, “We’re the school team and Daddy is the work team.” Although Ellie has informed me that when her preschool starts up in September, I need to get a job to “make the monies.” Apparently I’m supposed to find a job that pays in chocolate coins. Anyone