Week 1 – Day 2 and 3

Day 2

We continued with our worm theme for day 2. We started off with some preschool educational worm videos on Youtube. Ellie loved this Smile and Learn video I found on worms. Then we had a counting sticker activity, where we had to read the number on each section of the worm, and count and apply that number of stickers. You can find this activity for free at https://www.preschoolplayandlearn.com/silly-worm-count-to-10-with-stickers/ .

This Feed the Worm letter game from Miniature Masterminds was a huge hit.  We matched the upper and lower case letters and fed them to the worm.  Then we lined up all the letters alphabetically, we sorted the apples by color, there were so many things you could do with these letters.  This game kept her busy for quite a while. 

Next was her favorite activity for the whole week: a worm craft with beads. We used pipecleaners and pony beads to make the worms, then I hot glued on some eyes. Ellie loved her worms, we ended up making quite a few more by the end of the week. 

Then for lunch I surprised her with a gummy worm in her apple! She thought it was hilarious! Ellie helped me make some chocolate pudding, and we made dirt cups using chocolate pudding, crushed oreos and gummy worms. 

Day 3

For day 3 we moved on to watermelon! We started with watermelon worksheets (from Confessions of a Homeschooler), then we did a watermelon craft. For our craft project, we cut red and green construction paper into squares, then glued them to half a paper plate to make a watermelon. We used a black marker to draw on the seeds. 

Next we counted “watermelon seeds” (black pony beads) using activity sheets from the website From ABCs to ACTs https://fromabcstoacts.com/watermelon-seed-counting/.

Using the pony beads led to us pulling out a muffin tin and doing a sorting activity with the pony beads. This kept her busy for half an hour! 

Then we made watermelon suncatchers. We put clear hair gel into a plastic zip lock bag. You can get a cheap bottle of hair gel at a dollar store. You’ll need at least a few tablespoons. We used about ½ a cup. I added some red food coloring and some watermelon seeds. Instead of seeds you could cut pieces of black foam into seed shapes, or use black beads or buttons. I sealed the plastic bag up and Ellie squished and mixed it. Squishing is of course the best part. Then we hung it in the window as a suncatcher. 

Check back tomorrow to find out what else we did for the letter W.