Day 2
We started our “school” day with ice cream themed size worksheets. I found this free size sorting cut and paste worksheet at My Teaching Station.

And this order by size worksheet is available for purchase in a summer package on Teachers Pay Teachers.

Our art project was an I is for Ice Cream craft featuring a large construction paper I, topped with scoops of ice cream. I cut everything in advance, Ellie glued and drew on the chocolate chips for the mint chocolate chip ice cream. This was one of the easiest craft projects ever, this would be easy one to squeeze in on a busy day, especially if you prep in advance.
We did an ice cream math game/fine motor activity using pom poms. I cut the “cones” using some cardboard from a box I was throwing away. I numbered each cone with a sharpie. Then I gave them to Ellie with some children’s plastic fine motor tweezers ($1 at Dollar Tree!) and some pom poms. Her job was to put the correct number of scoops (pom poms) on each cone. She did express some frustration with the tweezers (“This is hard!”) but completed the task. And then found it was a lot more fun to make designs using the pom poms. Yay for creativity!
Finally, the yummy surprise of the day was our ice cream taste test. I bought four pints of different flavors of ice cream, and I used four different colored tiny Dixie cups, scooping a small amount into each. (I didn’t trust myself to remember which ice cream was which, so I made myself a key first). I made three sets so Ellie, Jeff and I could all participate. I had each of them test each ice cream and tell me which was their favorite, then revealed the flavors afterward. Ellie’s favorite flavor was chocolate, Jeff’s was ice cream cone, mine was Moolinium crunch.

Day 3
Day three was pretty simple. We watched several videos on Youtube about how ice cream is made. Ellie LOVED this one from The Food Show showing how an ice cream factory operates. We then watched a Youtube video of a reading of Should I Share My Ice Cream? by Mo Willems. I had planned to read the book, but couldn’t find it anywhere, so I was thankful to find the Youtube video. After the story, we took turns pretending to be the elephant and sharing our “ice cream” with each other.
After the videos we did some ice cream themed shape worksheets. This one is available for purchase at Planning Playtime.

Check back tomorrow to find out what else we did for the letter I.